Funding Information

Guidance on Securing Financial Support for Job Seekers

Individuals seeking to participate in Glin National College’s diverse range of training programs may qualify for financial assistance from the Department of Social Welfare to facilitate their enrolment in a specific training course. The decision to allocate funding for enrolment in a Glin National College training program rests entirely with the Social Welfare job facilitator and depends on the availability of funds at the time of application, as well as the applicant’s ability to meet the eligibility criteria. To apply for funding for your desired course through the Department of Social Welfare, you should follow these steps:

  1. Schedule an appointment with a job facilitator at your local Department of Social Welfare office to assess your eligibility for financial support.
  2. During your meeting with the Department of Social Welfare job facilitator, make it known that completing the training course is a crucial component of your return-to-work plan.
  3. If you are approved for funding, your facilitator will supply you with the necessary funding forms, which you will need to complete.
  4. Please send these completed forms to Glin National College, where they will be filled out and returned to your local social welfare office.
  5. Once your funding is confirmed, get in touch with GNC to secure your spot in the next available course.”